Help stop the rise in female genital mutilation caused by COVID-19
Donate to help spare girls from a lifetime of harm.

Our minimum donation amount is $5.
Leila was only nine years old when she went through female genital mutilation (FGM).
She was held down, while her external genitalia were cut from her with a razor blade.
The people who cut Leila believed it would preserve her chastity and improve her chances of marrying. But once a girl has been cut, she’ll be at risk of constant infections, lifelong pain and infertility. It could even leave her disabled.
Since COVID-19 began, the rate of FGM has been rising.
In 96 countries, girls like Leila are in more danger every day. They urgently need your help.
Help stop the rise in FGM
For girls at risk of FGM, your donation can’t come soon enough.
Two million more girls are now at serious risk of being cut by 2030, as a direct result of COVID-19. There are a several reasons for it.
During the lockdowns, girls were kept behind closed doors and the rates of gender-based violence skyrocketed, including FGM.
Lockdowns also meant that anti-FGM programs had to shut down – and FGM began to rise.
To stop it, we must act now. Please donate today.
Donate now and you’ll help spare girls from a lifetime of harm
Here’s how you can help:
More health and education programs for girls
Donate now and you could help raise awareness about the dangers of FGM and give community leaders the support they need to stop it. You’ll also restart anti-FGM programs that were shut down during COVID-19, and launch global advocacy campaigns.
Anti-FGM training for nurses and midwives
You’ll help give nurses the skills and resources they need to educate new mothers about FGM, and potentially spare an entire generation of girls.
Support for anti-FGM activists
Donate now and you’ll help set up Girls’ Clubs all over the world. They provide a safe space where girls and young women can learn confidence and leadership skills, so they can fight to end FGM.