Girls Education & Empowerment Fund

The Girls Education and Empowerment Fund (GEEFund) is a multi-year giving initiative that super-charges your support to tackle the barriers that prevent girls from receiving an education.

$<strong>2,300,000 </strong> pledged
$3,494,474 pledged
 $<strong>8,250,367</strong> more unlocked
$26,220,799 more unlocked
<strong>306,186</strong> girls and families impacted
900,530 girls & families impacted

By 2025, 12.5 million more girls will lose their access to education due to factors related to climate change

Women & girls make up 70% of the worlds hungry

222 million children are at risk of missing out on an education due to conflict, displacement, climate change and protracted crises

Education is the key to unlocking a better and more equal world, meaning that investing in girls’ education has the potential to transform the future.

The Girls Education & Empowerment Fund (GEEFund) is not a short-term fix. In order to achieve long-term change, we need a long-term plan. This is why GEEFund is designed to empower an entire generation of girls to finish school, pursue the life she wants, and own the decisions that will shape her future. With your help, we can create lasting change for all. A better now for her is a better future for everyone.

Join a growing community of committed pledgers in creating lasting change for girls. Your five-year pledge of $5,000 a year will be leveraged to unlock multimillion dollar grants from powerful institutions. Learn more about the impact of the GEEFund.

Please contact our Philanthropy Advisor, Zachary Fletcher, today to find out how you can transform the girls’ lives through the gift of education.

What makes the Girls Education and Empowerment fund special is our approach. We address all the barriers that prevent girls from accessing and completing a quality education so that they are empowered to pursue lives of their choosing.

Barrier 1 Stunting and poor childhood development Barrier 2 Poor access to clean water and sanitation Barrier 3 Gender-based violence and child marriage Barrier 4 Lack of sexual and reproductive health rights Barrier 5 Poverty and Economic hardship Barrier 6 Crises and emergencies
Investing in girls’ education is life-changing for girls themselves – but the ripple effect it can have for entire communities and countries is truly transformative for the whole world.

Educating girls leads to:

  • multi-generational change
  • improved economic outcomes and employment opportunities
  • more children surviving infancy and growing up healthy
  • stopping child marriage and reducing early pregnancy
  • mitigating climate change.

In 2003, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan declared that “to educate girls is to reduce poverty.” We now know that an educated girl is more likely to invest in herself, her health, her family and her community, which translates to more money invested in economies.

When girls can get an education, manage their health, live free from violence, and pursue their dreams, they can take their rightful place as equals. Investing in girls is the most effective way to bring about positive change for everyone.

See the difference you make when you remove the roadblocks in a girl's path to power, freedom and equality. The clear path with education and investment into girls. The girl gets an equal and fair start to life, to go to school and gets a quality education, equal opportunities as she grows up, to live free from violence, the period products she needs and the stigma is gone, to learn how to fight for the right to make decisions about her body, family and community support to say no to child marriage, to make decisions about sex and family planning, equal pay and is financially independent, equal rights and treatment during crises and emergencies, equal power and becomes an active citizen. The girl is now a powerful woman who can shape her life and the world around her. Roadblocks is no intervention or investment into girls. The girl experiences parents prioritising boys, poverty, which means she misses out on school, the burden of chores falling on her, physical and sexual violence both at home and at school, exclusion once her period starts, female genital mutilation, early marriage, unwanted early pregnancy, a lack of job opportunities and discrimination in her career, increased vulnerability during crises and emergencies, exclusion and devaluing of her voice in important decisions. The girl remains in poverty with few opportunities.
More than 20 million girls are expected to lose access to their education permanently following the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s in addition to the 130 million girls already missing out on an education.

Climate related disasters and conflict also pose an urgent threat to girls’ education. By 2025, more than 12.5 million girls will lose access to their education due to factors relating to climate change.

The situation is exacerbated by a devastating global hunger crisis, disproportionately affecting girls and women, and compounded by a worsening global economic crisis. To safeguard future generations of girls, it is crucial that we act now.

Because of the setback in girls’ education, the next decade could see:

  • 31 million more cases of gender-based violence
  • 13 million more cases of child marriage
  • 7 million more cases of unintended pregnancy
  • 2 million more cases of female genital mutilation (FGM).

Unless we act now, and protect girls access to education.

The Fund pools your contributions with other donors to leverage more funding from Plan International’s institutional partners – effectively multiplying your impact, turning $1 into $2 (or more). In order to achieve long-term change, we need a long-term plan. That’s why we ask GEEFund supporters to commit to multi-year pledge of a meaningful amount for five years. This investment is then used to leverage further funding in the form of multi-year grants from our institutional partners, including but not limited to:

  • United Nations Development Program
  • World Food Program
  • Asia Development Bank
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The Fund isn’t a short-term fix – it’s a giving initiative designed to support an entire generation of girls to finish school, choose their own futures, and transform the lives of generations to come.

Graphic depicting how your multi-year pledge times the support from the UNDP, WFP and Australian Aid means your investment is multiplied x2 or more. You're breaking down barriers to free girls from poverty, violence and child marriage so that she can pursue her dreams, and live as an equal.  


  Read more about the impact of the GEEFund.  

How can I get involved?

Every girl has the right to go to school, pursue the life she wants, and own the decisions that will shape her future. Only then can we achieve lasting change for all.

If you would like to be part of making this a reality, please contact our Philanthropy Advisor, Zachary Fletcher, by emailing, by phone 0434 8793 63 or fill out the form below.

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By signing, you consent to Plan International Australia contacting you regarding campaign progress and opportunities to support its impact work, including fundraising. You agree to Plan International Australia collecting and handling your personal information as per its Privacy Policy. For inquiries, email or call 13 75 26.

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