We’re the charity for girls’ equality

We believe a better world is possible. A world where all children can live happy and healthy lives, and where girls can take their rightful place as equals. This is the world you are helping us create. Will you join us?

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Our Impact

<strong>83</strong> countries
83 countries
Plan International currently works and runs programs in 83 countries.
<strong>52.2</strong> million
52.2 million
We’ve reached more than 52.2 million children in our programs across the globe.
<strong>5.9</strong> million
5.9 million
5.9 million girls and young women have been supported with better access to education.
<strong>5.8</strong> million
5.8 million
5.8 million girls and young women were supported with access to sexual and reproductive health services and information.

And there is plenty more where that came from.

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How we create the greatest impact

of our funding goes towards our programs and community-education work


of our funding goes towards our programs and community-education work
Through your support, we’re able to increase the value of our work, which means we can create an even bigger impact. And the closer we get to achieving our mission of an equal world for all children. play_circle_filled
Through your support, we’re able to increase the value of our work, which means we can create an even bigger impact. And the closer we get to achieving our mission of an equal world for all children.
goes to fundraising to help grow and maintain our programs


goes to fundraising to help grow and maintain our programs
goes to accountability and administration so our experts and teams are able to continue our life-changing work


goes to accountability and administration so our experts and teams are able to continue our life-changing work
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