Finding hope during the Global Hunger Crisis

Five ways you can make an impact today

Your support of girls, children and their families has never been more crucial. We must act now to save the lives of millions experiencing the impacts of the global hunger crisis.

2022 was not an easy year – from floods and economic uncertainty to the ongoing pandemic and the increased cost of living. Beyond our own shores, these challenges were even greater. The ongoing global hunger crisis is impacting millions of people around the world, most of them young women and girls.

Now, more than ever, your support is crucial to saving the lives of girls, children and families experiencing hunger.

In our most recent online event, our staff took you through the life-saving impact and change you contributed to in 2022. Watch a recording of the webinar below.

Watch the recording Play Video

You can continue changing the lives of children in places like South Sudan and Somalia through 2023. You can continue making an impact today.

Here are 5 different ways that you can support girls and their communities right now:

1. Live your Values

2. Invest in Leverage

3. Leave a Legacy

4. Partner for Change

5. Advocate

Despite the many challenges girls and their communities are facing, we can still find hope. We can find hope in every girl who is leading the charge for change in their community. We can find hope in every donation to help feed hungry families. We can find hope in every child that finishes another year of school. We can find hope in each other, and our determination to act and build a better world. Thank you for finding hope with us.

Got more questions? Contact us.

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