Footprints Network: 10 years of support

Through our 10-year partnership, The Footprints Network has supported 25 of our projects across 16 countries.

Our partner:

The Footprints Network is an initiative by nib’s travel insurance brands World Nomads and Travel Insurance Direct, offering their customers the opportunity to leave a positive footprint in the world through micro-donations at checkout. Through the generosity of their travellers, The Footprints Network supports a range of community projects across the world focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to create change and shift the world onto a more sustainable and resilient path.

The partnership:

By harnessing the cumulative power of micro-donations and their compassionate community, The Footprints Network have contributed more than $570,000 to Plan's work, with a focus on addressing key areas of food and livelihoods, health and education, leadership and empowerment and gender-based violence.

Together, we’re making significant change to move girls and their communities towards a brighter tomorrow.

What we did together:

This year the Footprints Network supported the Safer Cities project in Honiara.

Adolescent girls seldom feel safe in their cities. They experience sexual harassment, physical violence, exploitation, insecurity and are often excluded from decision making processes that impact their safety, wellbeing and access to even the most basic services.

A baseline report completed with adolescent girls from Honiara in 2019 found of the 236 girls who participated only 7% said ‘they always feel safe in public’. The project's overarching objective is to build safe, accountable and inclusive cities with and for adolescent girls in all their diversities.

In Honiara, the program aims to increase girls’ safety and access to public spaces, increase their active and meaningful participation in urban development and governance, and their safe mobility in the city. Preventing and addressing gender-based violence, including sexual harassment in public spaces and transport sectors was also a key focus.

Girls in Honiara take part in the Safer Cities youth empowerment art exhibition

Girls in Honiara take part in the Safer Cities youth empowerment art exhibition

Girls in Honiara take part in the Safer Cities youth empowerment art exhibition

The impact:

• In FY23, 720 youth participated in weekly Champions of Change (CoC) training, providing an opportunity for young people to critically reflect on gender issues, transform deeply held beliefs relating to gender and challenge existing power structures. CoC fosters youth-led collective action, equipping young people with skills to pursue activism as they define it, while connecting them to youth groups and civil society organisations to drive change.

• Using what they had learnt 40 young people held a public art exhibition to amplify their voices and raise awareness of gender-based violence.

• 60 adolescent girls participated in safety walks and community mapping, identifying safety issues within their local communities. Data collected was presented to local government and used to campaign for change.

Young people attend meeting with the Honiara city council

Young people attend meeting with the Honiara city council

Young people attend meeting with the Honiara city council

Partnering with Plan International is a way for businesses who share our vision to make a tangible contribution to a more equal world, whether that’s as a financial donor, or by working with us to reach audiences, shift attitudes and influence change.

If you or your organisation are interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear from you!

Please contact [email protected]