Access to Information Policy
Plan International Australia will provide stakeholders with access to information and material about its programs and operations, thereby increasing transparency, accountability, responsiveness, participation and openness. Plan International is intent on increasing timely information flow and will disclose information that it believes is in the interests of beneficiaries, partners, donors, supporters, media and the general public.
How to request information
Stakeholders and the general public can access information that is already available on the Plan International Australia and related websites. If the information required is not readily available online or a hard copy of a publication or copy of a DVD/CD is needed, then a request can be made to Plan International Australia.
Requests for information must be made in writing, including via email or fax:
- Fax: +61 3 9670 1130
- Email:
- Use our feedback form:
- Send a letter: GPO Box 2818, Melbourne VIC 3001
Each request should specify the information and document that is sought, including titles and dates if appropriate.
The Information Disclosure Officer is responsible for ensuring that all requests for information are addressed as appropriate. Each request will be acknowledged within 5 business days, unless it will be completed within that time frame. A request for information will be provided within 45 business days. Where a request is denied, reasons for this will be provided to the requestor.
Declining access
Plan International Australia will decline requests that are deemed frivolous, vexatious, not made in good faith, misconceived or lacking in substance. A request may also be declined if it falls within the list of ‘Confidential Information not available to the public’. Plan will provide details as to why a request has been denied.
Where Plan International Australia considers that the cost of disclosure, whether as a time cost or a monetary cost, would be disproportionate to the request, Plan may decline disclosure.
Charges for information
Plan International Australia does not wish to create barriers to accessing information that is not available online and as such does not impose a cost on providing information and documents. The only exception to this is where a person will be making profit from the information e.g. using Plan International photographs for profit.
Plan International Australia does not charge for lodging a request to access personal information, but we may charge for reasonable costs in supplying access to this information. Also refer to the Plan International Australia Privacy Policy
All information relating to Plan International Australia is published in English. Documents created in field offices are also published in English however there may also be some local language documents. Languages other than English will not be provided by Plan International Australia but maybe found on Plan International related websites.
Access to archival records
This Policy is operational as of 1 January 2012. Information and documents before this time will be considered, but may not be disclosed due to the cost of accessing them.
Appeals Process
An Appeals process is available if the requestor is not satisfied with the denial of their request. This includes referral to the CEO in extreme circumstances where a full review and response will be provided within 10 business days.
In the most unusual circumstance the matter will be referred to a relevant independent industry or consumer body if the complainant is not satisfied with the CEO’s response. These organisations will be able to provide a third party voice and opinion on the matter.
This is not the same as making a complaint. Refer to the Complaint and Compliments Policy if you would like to make a complaint regarding the process.