Reports and Publications

In everything we do, we are informed by evidence, and always learning. We collaborate with partners to develop research that informs our programmatic work and gives credibility to our broader advocacy and influencing goals.
Beyond Hunger report cover
Humanitarian - 27 January 2023

Beyond Hunger: the gendered impacts of the Global Hunger Crisis

The causes and consequences of food insecurity are closely entwined with gender. This report presents new evidence on the gendered impacts of the current global hunger crisis from eight of the countries most affected: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Haiti.

Food Security - 2 January 2018

Food Security as a Modality for Change

The Food Security as a Modality for Change Theory of Change is transformative in its ambition, seeking to transform attitudes and behaviours, advancing gender equality by challenging the root causes of discrimination.

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