Publication - 18 November 2024

Pacific Girls in a Changing Climate

Climate change is a significant threat to island nation communities in the Pacific Ocean. Adolescent girls in the Pacific have unique experiences of climate change, which are different to those of women, men and other children in the region. This is due to their age, gender and status in their communities and families, underpinned by structures of oppression such as patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism.

Pacific Girls in a Changing Climate was a feminist participatory action research project, conducted between 2021 and 2024. It was initiated by Plan International Australia in partnership with Kiribati Climate Action Network (KiriCAN), Edith Cowan University’s Strategic Research Centre for People, Place and Planet, and the Australian National University.

The project aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the impacts of climate change on Pacific girls aged 10-18 in all their lived experiences, and strengthen girl-led activism for climate justice in the Pacific.

Read the executive summary (PDF 6MB).

Read the briefing (PDF 721KB).

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